Wednesday, 25 August 2010


Borobudur is one of the best ancient monuments preserved from all over the world even is one of the seven wonders of the world. This monument is the largest Buddhist temple in the world and have been claimed as a result of human culture is the most frequently visited by more than a million tourists, both domestic and abroad to date. Architectural style of the temple that resembles even this does not exist in the world. Terisnpirasi structure illustrates that often arise micro cosmos into a question, for example when, in what manner, how long and by whom these nature reserves have been built.
The appropriate response to this still leaves a mystery since no written documents to date. Based on the inscriptions found by the
researchers, noting that Borobudur was built between the eighth century when Samaratungga - king of the dynasty Syailendra ruled in Central Java. The meaning of Borobudur is still not clear. Borobudur is a combination of words and Budur Bara. Embers from Sanskrit means temple or monastery complex. While the Budur reminds us with a word derived from the Balinese Beduhur which means on top. In other words, Borobudur means monastery on the hill.
Borobudur is full of philosophical ornaments in which clearly symbolizes the unity of different paths can be followed to achieve the goal of life's most pokok.Relif etched into the walls of the temple tells the beauty of learning to live. In other words, Borobudur has a soul of art, philosophy and culture..

Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia, and is located on the island of Java, approximately 20 km east of Yogyakarta, 40 km west of Surakarta and 120 km south of Semarang, right on the border between the provinces of Central Java and Yogyakarta. Prambanan Prambanan is located in the village whose territory is divided between the districts of Sleman and Klaten.Candi was built in about the year 850 AD by one of these two, namely: Rakai Pikatan, the second king of Mataram dynasty I or balitung Maha Sambu, during the Sanjaya dynasty. Not long after construction, the temple was abandoned and deteriorating. Renovation of this temple began in 1918, and until now has not been completed. New main building was completed in 1953. Many parts of the temple which was renovated, using new stones, because many of the original stones were stolen or reused elsewhere. A temple will only be restored if at least 75% of the original stone is still there. Therefore, many small temples are not rebuilt and only looked foundation course. Now, this temple is a protected world heritage site by UNESCO since 1991. Among other things this means that the complex is shielded and has a special status, eg also in situations of war. Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple in Southeast Asia, the main building is 47m high. This temple complex consists of eight main shrine or temple and more than 250 small temples. Three main temples called Trisakti and dedicated to the hyang Trimurti: Shiva Batara the Destroyer, Vishnu the Preserver and Batara Batara Brahma the Creator.
Shiva temple in the middle, contains four rooms, one room in each cardinal direction. While the first one contains a statue of Shiva Batara three meters tall, the other three statues contain a smaller size, the statue of Durga, Shiva Batara sakti or wife, Agastya, teacher, and Ganesha, his son. Durga is also known as Rara or Lara / Loro Jongrang (slender virgin) by the local population. For more details see the article Jonggrang Loro. Two other temples dedicated to Vishnu Batara, facing to the north and one dedicated to Brahma Batara, facing to the south. In addition there are several other small temples dedicated to the cow Nandini, vehicle Batara Shiva, the Swan, vehicle Batara Brahma, and the Garuda Wisnu Batara vehicle. Then twenty-reliefs around the edge of the temple depict the Ramayana epic. The version described here is different from Old Javanese Ramayana Kakawin, but similar to the Ramayana story is revealed through oral traditions.

Mount Merapi, is the only volcano in Yogyakarta Special Region. It lies approximately 30 kilometers, north of Yogyakarta city and the peak form of the uneven sand plains, an area of approximately 4 hectares, with some lava hole is always one voice among the thick smoke, marking the still active Mount Merapi.

Where this shows virulence volcanic mountain, the people of Yogyakarta can see a white cloud of smoke is gray or blackish-hitaman that billowed upwards from a distance looks like a pile of wool. However bilaman gungung in a state of "calm", the charm so
riveting, thus stimulating the remajayang want to climb the mountain and adventure sports enthusiasts climb a mountain to conquer peaks

For those less interested in making the climb to the summit was still able to satisfy her desire to admire the beautiful terrors of Mount Merapi, from Bebeng area located approximately two kilometers off the northwest area of Kaliurang, or it could be seen from Turi district, approximately 5 km Kaliurang area on the west side, if you want to see the peak of Merapi in the distance clearly, can be used binoculars observers from Observation Post Mount Merapi in Plawangan

Parangtritis complex has always been famous, not only as a place of recreation that has a sandy beach area, but also renowned as a place that has many historical relics. The complex consists of Parangtritis Parangtritis, Gembirowati Parangkusumo and plateaus.

It is said the origin of Parangtritis were collected from the natural state of rocks where one of the
top places in the mountain cliffs of limestone, which is always water dripping down, like Tritis. Because water contains calcium, it rocks more bertambahn big. Formed pond with water so clear, which today has built a swimming pool is quite nice.

This pool was discovered and nurtured by the lane VII. In this complex there are also several other interesting objects to look at. This tourist complex can be achieved through two channels. The first path through the bridge Kretek, the second pass and siluk Imogiri

This beach is situated in G
unung Kidul Regency. To achieve, we must first reach the city Wonosari. Mountain south of the Capital District is located approximately 40 km from the city of Yogyakarta, Infrastructure road leading into town this Wonosari good enough, the road winding up and down through some beautiful areas of the landscape.

Distance City Wonosari with Baron beach approximately 20 km, with full of coconut trees. This bay is the estuary of the river flow under the rock in which the water is clear. Baron beach waves rather large, but the visitors still can swim in this beach till the permitted limit, which at the sign with a range of wire that runs along above the bay.

Kukup trip to the beach, is a chain of recreational visits to the beach Baron, because the distance between the two beaches are more or less only 1 km course, when the black sandy beach Baron, the sand beaches of this Kukup other circumstances, ie, yellowish white sand. Goa, a shady cave coral, and marine water ornamental fish, many found in this area and is very appealing to tourists to see a very stunning sea Indonesia.

Krakal Beach can be reached via the road along the six km from the coast area Kukup, so that a chain Krakal beach trip after visiting the beach Baron and Kukup.

Krakal Beach is the most beautiful beaches, among the entire stretch of beach along the island of Java, this beach will be built into the beach area and the township of tourists, especially foreign tourists, a kind of tourist resorts in Nusa Dua on Bali island. Krakal coast, its flat, white sand, stretching along more than 5 km. This beach receives sun from morning until evening throughout the year. Wind blown sea is very cool, the waves were quite big.

Keraton or in the original language called Palace located in the center of Yogyakarta. Palace means a place where kings and queens live, or in other words that mean the same Kadaton. In learning about Javanese culture, this sense has a very deep philosophical meaning.
Architecture of this palace was Sultan Hamengkubuwono I himself, who was the founder of the kingdom Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. Expertise in the field of architecture appreciated by Dutch scientist-Dr.Adam Dr.Pigeund and view him as the "architect of the civil Pakubuwono II Surakarta".

There are some parts of the Palace, one of which is Donopratopo Gate which means "someone who is good is always giving to others willingly and able to eliminate the passions."
Two giant statues located on the side, one of whom described the crime and others describe the goodness. This means "you should be able to distinguish, what is good and what is evil." Not only this, you can also see the cultural heritage of the royal palace others such as North Town Square, South Square, Siti Hingil, Kemandungan, Regol Gadungmlati, Regol Brojonolo, Witono Ward, Ward Manguntur Takil, Trajumas Ward, Ward Kencono, Praba Pavilion Yeksa, Gedong yellow.

Inside the palace there is a museum dedicated to the late Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, the father of Sultan Hamenggkubuwono X which is the current Sultan. Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX is a famous figure and politician who was the leader of Indonesia. Encouragement and contributions to the Republic of Indonesia in its fight for independence is respected and known by most people of Indonesia.
Never became the capital of Jogjakarta, Indonesia (1946-1949) and promulgated by the Law to a special area in common with the provinces. The museum is exhibiting copies of the precious and sacred heirloom, a gift from a foreign kingdom, gamelan, the royal train and a few photos of the royal family and the family composition

must see this :
Handcraft of Jogja
Traditional Dancing
Traditional Music of Jogja
Traditional Food

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